Dan Șucu trebuie să decidă dacă face un transfer de 10.000.000 de euro acum sau în perioada de mercato din vară. Genoa nu a realizat vreun transfer în campania curentă de mercato, însă au apărut […] The post „Decide noul patron”. Dan Şucu trebuie să semneze pentru transferul de 10.000.000 de euro appeared first on Prosport.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that Dan Şucu must sign a transfer agreement worth €10,000,000, which implies a significant change in ownership or leadership, likely involving him becoming the new owner or a key decision-maker.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that Dan Şucu must sign a transfer agreement worth €10,000,000, which implies a significant change in ownership or leadership, likely involving him becoming the new owner or a key decision-maker.